She Is Yar

The reviews are in, and everybody’s having a great time aboard the Lilac.
Come check it out for yourself, as we head into our final weekend.

2009’s most exhilarating theatrical achievement…The Confidence Man is most definitely a work of dazzling genius, a spellbinding feat of collective creativity.
— John Del Signore, Gothamist

“The Confidence Man” works well; The vignettes, all blocked and assembled very well by a team of three directors (Stephen Brackett, Lauren Keating and Michael Silverstone), are thematically cohesive…Some of these pieces are as elaborate as a good thriller.
— Sam Thielman, Variety

…a marvelously intricate and involving new show. On a technical level, it’s a breathtaking stunt. But, The Confidence Man is much better than it needs to be for gimmickry’s sake alone.
— Adam Feldman, Time Out NY

And, for a lovely shot in the Goings On About Town section of the New Yorker –