Tonight in Ashland

Tonight at 5:30 OSF is presenting a staged reading of Lauren Feldman’s Fill Our Mouths.  We’ve had a great response so far, and I’m excited to share this beautiful, bi-lingual play with the Ashland/OSF community.  Details below!

FAIR Expressions: An Evening of New Voices


by Lauren Feldman
directed by Lauren Keating

Tala Ashe
Mikkei Fritz
Cristofer Jean
Jackie Katzman
Erin Washington
Amy Waschke

Doors open at 5

Reading begins at 5:30, followed by a talkback

Evan and Chap are two young women who meet in the streets of Paris: one is hearing: the other is hard of hearing. Their relationship grows and starts to change everything they thought they knew – themselves, their language, their loved ones, and the world around them. Using spoken English and American Sign Language, Fill Our Mouths is a story of love and choice, deafness and hearing, the trials of communication, and the search for self when caught between two worlds.